Trading and analysis

Learn about technical & fundamental analysis, trading, stocks, CFD:s, forex and so on.

On this website we gather knowledge about everthing that is related to investing and the financial markets.


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This section is for beginners


Fundamental analysis

Learn how to do fundamental analysis on stocks

Fundamental analysis

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Compound interest calculator

Use our compound interest calcualtor to calculate how your investments and savings develops over the years with the compounding effect.
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CAGR calculator

Use our CAGR calculators to calculate yout annual average growth
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MA 200
MA 200

Learn about the MA 200 moving average and how you can use it in your trading strategies
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Om Aktiekunskap

Make better investments and trades

On this website we offer information, calculators, strategies and videos that gives you knowledge about investing and trading. We want our knowledge to help you make better investments and earn more money.


In this section we want to learn beginners the basics in investing and trading. The articles and information here will be about the very basics in how to buy and sell stocks, how to analyze a company, how to trade and so on.



CFD:s is a great instrument to use for trading in the short and medium timeframes. The built in leverage in the product you can use to make bigger gains (or bigger losses) if you use it the right way. With CFD:s (contract for difference) you can invest and trade in krypto currencies, FX, stocks, commodities and many more asset-types.



We offer a series of smart calculators to help you with your investments. use them to calculate financial key figures and to calculate de developement on your own investments. Our compunding interest calculator helps you to calculate how much money you will have in the future based on the ammount of money you save every month, interest rate/average yield and how many years you save. Our CAGR calculator calculates the yearly average return from an investment.

fundamental analys

Fundamental analysis

Learn how to analyze stocks and companies using numbers and financial key figures. Learn about P/E, P/S, PEG-ration and alot more. By analyzing the companies financials you increase your possibilities to make good investments. Fundamental analysis is extra important in long term investing. Knowing alot about the companies you want to invest in can give you an edge in the market.


Technichal analysis and trading

Learn how to make technical analysis on stocks or other assets. With technical analysis you can find an edge in the market that gives you the boost you need to make more money from your trading. We also offer infomration and articles about daytrading, swingtrading and trading in general.

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With the help of our three calculators you can calculate discount quick and easy. 1. Calculate the discount Example:A shirt costs 100 USD. Today there is a 25 % discount. […]

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Net asset value

The net asset value (NAV) is one of all key figures that want to provide guidelines on how high or low a stock is valued by the stock exchange in […]

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Bull and bear

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If you read about how listed companies perform over a period of time, you will surely come across the accounting terms EBIT and EBITDA. Here we go through what these […]

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P/E ratio

The earnings multiple, P/E ratio, is a popular way of valuing a stock in fundamental analysis. This is because it is easy to calculate and many online banks and websites […]

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We recomend that you invest in different types of assets to decrease your risk and increase diversification in your portfoilio.

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